Lodging and Venues
Courtyard Iowa City University Heights; 10 mins walking distance from College of Pharmacy
- Address: 901 Melrose Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa 52246
- For guests who call in for reservations, please reference group code PGS to receive the discounted rate of $119 per night. A complimentary parking space is available for one personal vehicle per guest room. Bus parking is also available for guests as space allows.
- Deadline for reservations is May 1st, 2024.
Hilton Garden Inn Iowa City Downtown University; 16 - 20 mins walking distance from College of Pharmacy
- Address: 328 S. Clinton Street, Iowa City, Iowa 52246
- For guests who call in for reservations, contact the front desk at 319-248-6100, extension 0, and ask to book under the Pharmaceutics Graduate Student Research Meeting block to receive the discounted rate of $119 per night. City-owned parking for personal vehicles on-site, connected to the hotel via the skywalk. Contact the hotel for parking rates for hotel guests.
- Deadline for reservations is May 10th, 2024
- Please use the link below to access the Iowa PGSRM 2024 Google map. This map contains all relevant Iowa 2024 locations and directions from the UI College of Pharmacy Building to each site.
- Google.maps/PGSRM2024
University Resources
Campus Safety
To find out about the university's emergency updates, safety resources, and more go to https://safety.uiowa.edu/.
Uiowa COVID-19 Policy
Please refer COVID-19 guidelines at https://coronavirus.uiowa.edu/returning-campus/masks-distancing-and-health
The university has a free bus system that travels into Coralville, downtown Iowa City, and throughout the Campus. Find out live updates using the Transit app or view the routes and schedules at https://transportation.uiowa.edu/cambus.
UIowa Interactive Map
If you would like to explore the university's campus, you can find an interactive map with labeled buildings here - https://maps.uiowa.edu.