

Hamid Ghandehari is Professor and George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Molecular Pharmaceutics, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and Director of Utah Center for Nanomedicine at The University of Utah. His research focuses on the design of polymeric biomaterials for localized drug delivery and understanding the relationship between physicochemical properties of inorganic nanoparticles with their toxicity. He is author of over 230 peer reviewed manuscripts and book chapters, 500 abstracts and has given 265 invited talks. Dr. Ghandehari served as Executive Editor (2006-2011) and Editor in Chief (2012-2022) of Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, the #1 cited journal in the pharmaceutical sciences category. He is Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, and Controlled Release Society. Dr. Ghandehari received his BS in Pharmacy (1989) and PhD in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1996) from the University of Utah.


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